LCIF.org - Lions Club International Foundation
Lions Clubs International Foundation is Lions helping Lions serve the world. Donations provide funding in the form of grants to financially assist Lions districts with large-scale humanitarian projects that are too extensive for Lions to finance on their own. Since LCIF began in 1968, it has awarded nearly 8,300 grants totaling US$588 million.
Iowa Lions Eye Bank
Camp Hertko Hollow provides an educational and recreational camping program for Iowa's youth between the ages of 6-18 who have diabetes that promotes diabetes management skills to gain independence and a positive attitude for controlling diabetes.
Lion Net International
Iowa Lions Hearing Aid Bank Collects Used Hearing Aids
Leader Dogs for the Blind based in Rochester, MI has successfully matched and graduated over 13,000 person / dog teams since its inception.
Campaign SightFirst II
Campaign SightFirst II is a coordinated, global fund-raising effort involving all 1.35 million Lions in more than 45,000 clubs to raise US$150 million for the SightFirst program. Cataract, a disease closely tied to aging, remains the world's leading cause of blindness. Today, more children than ever before suffer from blindness or low vision. River blindness and trachoma, which take the sight of millions, can be controlled, but increased global awareness and funding are required. Diabetes and glaucoma silently stalk the vision of millions who may not even know that they are at risk.
The Iowa Lions Youth Exchange Camp
This 4-H Center camp in Madrid serves as a cultural exchange for developing friendships with people from other countries. It also serves as a way to understand the differences as well as the similarities of the customs, and ways people of other countries live.
Iowa Kid Sight - A State-wide Vision Screening Program for Infants and Children
USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum - Making a Difference Through the Challenges of Change