52 Years of Service -- Chartered Mar 9, 1973

The club sells coloring books every holiday season at the Cross roads mall. Lions Club members Jim Dexter, Darryl Landsverk, Irene & Pat Kirkpatrick sell books to a prospective customer.
Here are the 2007 Halloween costume winners. Thanks to the area businesses (FD Hy-Vee, Younkers, and Wal-mart for providing prizes for all participants.
Coming To Your Senses is a vision-screening project where Lions Club volunteers throughout Iowa organize and conduct vision-screening sessions in local communities. Trained staff in the UIHC Dept of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences interprets the results, and the results are returned to the parents. This program is open to children from the age of six months to 48 months. The reason for doing the screening this young is because this is the critical years of development of a child. A child may have a vision problem such as, misaligned eyes, cataracts, and problems that need the correction of with eyeglasses. Since we can't always see this problem, a child will assume this is normal vision. The Fort Dodge and Humboldt Lions Club will go to Day Cares and Preschools to do these screening. The screening is as simple as having your picture taken. A special camera is used called a MTI Photo screener, which takes special Polaroid pictures of the child's eyes to detect eye problems. This is done because a child may be to young to communicate a vision problem or even know of a vision problem. The Badger Lions Club will conduct screening in Badger in October 2007. To learn more about Coming To Your Senses, go to http://webeye.ophth.uiowa.edu/ctys/ (effective July 1 name will be changed to www.IowaKidSight.com )
The Badger Lions Club supports the community numerous ways. Roger Curtis presents a $300 check to the Fort Dodge Salvation Army. The Club has also supported the Badger veterans monument project, Badger park & BMX dirt park, and playground, Badger Fire Station, Badger Library, Fort Dodge Lord's Cupboard, Feed My Starving Children, and area needy residents.
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